2003 Grant Recipients

NameProjectGrant ApprovedNotes
American Lung-NW AsthmaPatient Education$3,900.00
America Red Cross-N.Star ChapterEquipment & Remodeling$14,750.00
Beltrami County 4-H ProgramProgram Support$6,667.00
Beltrami County Historical SocietyLibrary Printer/Reader$5,000.00
Beltrami Countyy Humane SocietyEquipment & Upgrades$13,000.00
Bemidji Girls FastpitchRestroom Facilities$50,000.00Grant of $127,000 to Bem.Girls Fastpitch/Youth Soccer/Youth Baseball for Restroom facilities, paid over two years.
Bemidji State UniversityWetlands Ecology Chair$256,000.00Grant of $1 Million to be paid over multiple years.
Bemidji Symp.OrchestraGuest Conductor Series$3,000.00
Boys & Girls Club-BemidjiBuilding Pledge$100,000.00Grant of $500,000 to Boys & Girls Club of Bemidji to be paid in five equal installments, 2003-2007. Grant may be $750,000 if B&G Club raises $500,000 towards the building project.
Fishing Has No BoundariesFire Ext. for Pontoons$200.00
Hdwtrs Prostate CancerCommunity Education$2,000.00
Hdwtrs Science CenterRoof Repairs$20,000.00
Headwaters School of Music & ArtEquipment & Repairs$17,500.00
ISD#31 Honors/Sr. AwardsAwards & Reception$1,000.00
Laporte Sch.& CommunityPlayground Equipment$7,500.00
Neilson Spearhead CenterRoad Repair$18,000.00
N.Ctry Health ServicesKNC Skilled Nursing Facility$550,000.00Grant of $2 Million to be paid over multiple years.
Northwest MN FoundationLeave a Legacy$1,000.00
Paul Bunyan Amat.Radio Club2 Laptop Computers$1,500.00
Paul Bunyan Chapt. BrbshprRe-organization Exp$8,835.00
Paul Bunyan PlayhouseBuilding Pledge$25,000.00
PATHTele.System/Cptrs Upgrade$13,900.00
VocalEssenceY.Peoples Concert/Wkshop$6,000.00