2010 Grant Recipients

NameProjectGrant ApprovedNotes
Acad.Lifelong LrngProgramming$2,000.00
Adult Day Serv. Inc.13 Pass.Veh.Match$7,500.00
Belt.Cty Hist.SocietyProgram”The Middle Yrs”$ —–
Belt.Cty DWI CourtProgramming$10,000.00
Bem.Area Prev.Coll.Drug/Alcohol Prog.$172,000.00Grant of $1 Million to the Bemidji Area Prevention Collaboration to be pd in five installments:$12,500 ppd in 2009;$172,000 for 2010;$215,500 for 2011 &$200,000 each for 2012-2014.
Bem.Comm.Fd ShelfFd Shelf Garden$2,950.00
Bemidji DDAWayfinding Sign$10,000.00
Bemidji Police DeptVideo Rec. Equip.$1,703.47
Bemidji Middle Sch.Deep Portage$1,000.00
Bemidji Middle Sch.Cultural Awareness$6,470.00
Bemidji State Univ. FdnFund 25 Schlrshps$25,000.00Grant of $25,000 per year for five years to the BSU Fdn to fund 25 $1,000 scholarships each year. Grant may be re-applied for after 2012.
Bemidji Symphony“The Defiant Requiem”$20,000.00
Bemidji Youth League BaseballFac.Imp.$90,000.00
Bemidji Youth HockeyBuilding Pledge$130,000.00Grant of $650,000 to Bemidji Youth Hockey to be paid in five installments, 2007-2011. $203,000 pd in 2007; $217,000 pd in 2008; $100,000 ppd in 2009 & $130,000 ppd in 2010.
B & G Club-BemidjiProgramming$100,000.00Grant of $100,000 to Boys & Girls Club-Bemidji pd over their fiscal yr(Jul-Jun); $50,000 payable in Jan 2011 (Pd in 2010) 12/2010). Note: Add’l grant of $50,000 awarded for July 2010.
B & G Club-BemidjiReplace 3 Roofs$88,000.00
City of BemidjiBemidji Events Ctr$200,000.00Grant of $1 Million to the City of Bemidji paid in five installments: $200,000 ppd in 2009; $200,000 ppd in 2010: $600,000 remaining 2012-2014.
Evergreen Inc.Bem.Skate Park$100,000.00
First Natl Bank FdnDonation$2,500.00
Hdwtrs Sch.MusicBilly Collins Poet Laureate$10,000.00
ISD#31Academic/Sr. Awards$2,000.00
JEDCEcon.Dev. Prog.$17,500.00
JEDCEquip Replacement$4,358.98
Mask & Rose Theater2 yr Tent Rental$1,500.00
MeritCare ClinicKindness Campaign$1,500.00
Miss.Hdwtrs Audub.Conference$1,650.00
North Ctry Health Ser.CN Healing Garden$150,000.00
Paul Bun.PlayhouseNew Htg/Cool System$22,500.00
Salvation ArmyEmerg.Fund-Belt.Cty$2,500.00
Wells AcademyProgramming$25,000.00
Total: $ 1,207,632.45