2011 Grant Recipients

NameProjectGrant ApprovedNotes
Adult Day ServicesEquip/Cptr/Software$ 15,000.00
Belt.Cty Hist.SocietyProg.”The Middle Yrs”$ 50,000.00
Bem.Area Prev.Assn.Drug/Alcohol Prog.$215,500.00Grant of $1 Million to the Bemidji Area Prevention Association to be pd in five install: $12,500 ppd in 2009; $172,000 for 2010; $215,500 for 2011 & $200,000 each for 2012-2014.
Bem.Area Serv.CollStudents First!$ 50,000.00Grant of $100,000 to the BASC for Students First! Project to be paid over three years: $50,000 in 2011; $30,000 in 2012; $20,000 in 2013.
Bem.Comm.Food Sh.Rental Equipment$ 2,630.00
Bem.Comm.TheaterSn.White & 7 Dwarfs$3,000.00
Bem.Fig.Skating ClubCostuming/Props$4,000.00
Bem. Senior CtrElevator/Elec. Rpr.$ 3,315.07
Bem. State Univ.FdnFull Tuition Scholarship$ 7,858.00
Bem. State Univ.FdnFund 25 Schlrshps$ 25,000.00Grant of $25,000 per year for five years to the BSU Fdn to fund 25 $1,000 scholarships each year. Grant may be re-applied for after 2012.
Bem. Youth FootballEquip/Startup Prog.$ 40,000.00
Bem. Youth SoccerEquip/Startup Prog.$35,000.00
Bem. Youth SoccerAddl Funding$ 6,600.00
B&G Club BemidjiProgramming$ 75,000.00
B&G Club BemidjiProgramming$25,000.00
Cass Cty SheriffK9 Officer$ 13,500.00
City of BemidjiBemidji Events Ctr$200,000.00Grant of $1 Million to the City of Bemidji paid in five installments: $200,000 ppd in 2009; $200,000 ppd in 2010: $200,000 ppd in 2011; $400,000 remaining 2013-2014.
City of BemidjiPlayground Equip$1,000.00
First Natl Bk FdnDonation$ 2,500.00
Hdwtrs Science CtrSummer Camp/Equip$ 20,080.00
Hdwtrs Science CtrMatching grant$20,000.00
ISD#31Acad & Sr Awards$ 2,000.00
JEDCEc.Development$50,000.00Grant of $100,000 as training funds & economic development tool. Paid out over two years, 2011 & 2012.
Lets Go FishingBoat Lift w/Canopy$ 6,767.00
Neilson SpearheadGarage & Repair$ 39,331.00
No.Comm. RadioBuilding Pledge$ 150,000.00Grant of $150,000 to Northern Comm. Radio for building pledge: $100,000 Grant plus $50,000 as a matching grant.
NW Indian OICBuilding Remodel$ 95,000.00
NWTC FoundationFund 15 Schlrshps$15,000.00Grant of $15,000 per year for five years to the NWTC Fdn to fund 15 $1,000 scholarships each year. Grant may be re-applied for after 2015.
PB PlayhouseRemodeling$90,000.00
Sanford HealthKindness Campaign$2,000.00
Upsteam TVStart-up Expense$3,000.00
Total: $ 1,268,081.07