2020 Grant Recipients

Belt.Cty Agric.Assn.Capital Project$7,303.00
Belt.Cty Historical Soc.Membership Match 10*$0.00
Bem.Area Grad PartySupport$1,000.00
Bem.Career AcademiesFreshman Couns. 7*$40,000.00
Bem.Comm.Arena2nd Ice Sheet 4*$190,000.00
Bem.Comm.Food ShelfRoof Replacement$38,500.00
Bem.State Univ.FdnFull Tuition Schol.$36,296.00
Bem.State Univ.FdnFund 30 Schlrshps 1*$30,000.00
Bem.State UniversityFund 14 Internships 3*$37,500.00
BGC-Bemidji AreaProg 2019-2020 6*$60,000.00
BGC-Bemidji AreaProg 2020-2021 11*$72,000.00
Calvary LutheranBldg Repairs$20,000.00
First Natl Bk FdnDonation$3,000.00
Greater BemidjiWorkforce Dev. 5*$100,000.00
Greater BemidjiGifts of Hope$50,000.00
Greater BemidjiBusiness Relief Fd$501,550.00
Greater BemidjiRelocation Mktg Pr. 12*$0.00
Leech Lake LegacyBuilding Purchase$50,000.00
MN Public RadioOffice Buildout$40,000.00
Northern Artist Assn.Computer,Printer$1,000.00
NTC FoundationScholarships 9*$20,000.00
NMF-Old BHS ArchProject Support$50,000.00
Red Lake Rosie RescueCargo Van Purch.$10,000.00
Sanford Heart Center4 Year Pledge 2*$0.00
United Way of BemidjiEmergency Fund$20,000.00
Village of HopeFlooring repair$8,000.00
Watermark Art CenterLoan Pay-off 8*$150,000.00
1* Grant of $30,000 per year for five years to the BSU Fdn to fund 30 $1,000 scholarships each year.
2* Grant of $1 Million to Sanford Heart Center to be paid over 4 years. Project starting in 2021. Note: $250,000 for 2018 was prepaid in 2017. $0 Paid in 2019 & 2020.
3* Renewed Internship Grant of $37,500 per year for 5 years (2018 – 2022) Note: Added $5,000 for two non-profit internships in 2020 which was not used.
4* Grant of $2 Million to the BCAC to build a 2nd ice sheet at the BCA ($500,000 3:1 Matching Grant.)2018-2023.Pd $500,000 in 2018 & $610,000 in 2019.
5* Grant of $200,000 paid over two years for a Workforce Development Fund. Paid $100,000 in 2019.
6* Grant of $120,000 to Boys & Girls Club for operations-will be paid $60,000 in August 2019 & $60,000 in January 2020.
7* Grant of $125,000 to Bemidji Career Academies paid over three years to help with a freshman counselor position. Pd $55,000 in 2019.
8* Grant of $150,000 to Watermark Art Center to payoff the last $150,000 of original mortgage loan.
9* Grant of $20,000 per year for two years to the NTC Fdn to fund 20 $1,000 scholarships each year.
10* Grant of up to $5,000 as a match for their membership campaign through 3/31/21.
11* Grant of $100,000 to Boys & Girls Club for operations -prepaid $72,000 in Dec 2020 and will pay $28,000 in June 2021.
12* Grant of $80,000 to Greater Bemidji for a relocation marketing program – will be paid $40,000 in 2021 and $40,000 in 2020.