2021 Grant Recipients

Belt.Cty Historical Soc.Membership Match 7*$5,000.00
Belt.Cty 4HState Horse Comp.$1,160.00
Bem.Career AcademiesFreshman Couns. 5*$30,000.00
Bem.Career AcademiesSpring 2022 Schol.$25,000.00
Bem.Comm.Arena2nd Ice Sheet 4*$700,000.00
Bem.Comm.TheaterWiring/Sound Eqp$15,000.00
Bem.HS Grad PartyDonation$1,000.00
Bem.State Univ.FdnFull Tuition Schol. 10*$36,304.00
Bem.State Univ.FdnFund 30 Schlrshps 1*$30,000.00
Bem.State UniversityFund 14 Internships 3*$37,500.00
Bemidji Symphony OrchCon. Sponsor 20-21$20,000.00
Bemidji Symphony OrchCon. Sponsor 21-22$20,000.00
BGC-Bemidji AreaProg 2020-2021 8*$28,000.00
BGC-Bemidji AreaProg 2021-2022$60,000.00
Friends of Itasca St.Pk.Playground Eqp$7,500.00
Gene Dillon Elem PTODisc Golf Course$5,000.00
Greater BemidjiRelocation Mktg Pr. 9*$40,000.00
Great River RescueRemodeling Proj.$10,000.00
Hdwtrs Reg.Dev. AssocBicycle Safety Eq.$1,000.00
Helga TownshipNary Heritage Park$50,000.00
LadySlipper Scen.BywyLadyslipper Restor.$4,840.00
Lincoln School PTASpecialized Plgrd Eqp$10,000.00
LSS Meals ProgramComm.Range$8,890.00
NTC FoundationScholarships 6*$20,000.00
Red Lk Rosie’s ShelterMultipurpose Bldg.$30,000.00
Sanford Beh.Inpat.CtrBuilding Funds$250,000.00
Voyageurs BSAArchery Equip$4,150.00
1* Grant of $30,000 per year for five years to the BSU Fdn to fund 30 $1,000 scholarships each year.
3* Renewed Internship Grant of $37,500 per year for 5 years (2018 – 2022)
4* Grant of $2 Million to the BCAC to build a 2nd ice sheet at the BCA ($500,000 3:1 Matching Grant.)2018-2022.Pd $1.3M Previously and Balance in 2021.
5* Grant of $125,000 to Bemidji Career Academies paid over 3 yrs to help with a freshman counselor position. Pd $55,000 in 2019, pd $40,000 in 2020. Pd Final in 2021.
6* Grant of $20,000 per year for two years to the NTC Fdn to fund 20 $1,000 scholarships each year. Paid $20,000 in 2020. Paid Final in 2021.
7* Grant of up to $5,000 as a match for their membership campaign. Paid – Final.
8* Grant of $100,000 to Boys & Girls Club for operations -prepaid $72,000 in Dec 2020 and paid $28,000 Final in June 2021.
9* Grant of $80,000 to Greater Bemidji for a relocation marketing program – will be paid $40,000 in 2021 and $40,000 in 2022.
10*Multi-year grant for Lowell Gillett Full Tuition Scholarships for 4 students.