2022 Grant Recipients

NameProjectGrant Approved
Alaska Vol.Fire Dept.Firefighting gear $ 5,000.00
Belt.Cty Agric Assoc.WiFi Upgrade $ 18,200.00
Belt.Cty Agric Assoc.Mural Project $ 2,350.00
Belt.Cty Historical Soc.Subsidize Ex.Dir Sal 8* $ 5,000.00
Belt.Cty Historical Soc.Scanners/M.Cabinet $ 11,500.00
Belt.Cty Natl Res.MgmtMtn Bike Trail Maint $ 16,178.98
Belt.Cty Sheriff’s AssocSWAT Equipment $ 60,000.00
Bem.Area X-Ctry Ski C.Equipment Upgrade $ 40,000.00
Bem.Career Academies2022 Counselor $ 60,000.00
Bemidji Curling ClubRpl.Ice Plant/Painting 10* $ 250,000.00
Bemidji HS A CappellaTravel/Carnegie Hall $ 30,000.00
Bem HS Graduation PrtyArea Grad Party $ 1,000.00
Bem.ISD31 Educ FdnMatching Grant $ 20,000.00
Bemidji Rotary ClubNatural Plygrd 2022 $ 36,165.00
Bem.State Univ.FdnFull Tuition Schol. $ 40,520.00
Bem.State Univ.FdnFund 30 Schlrshps 1* $ 30,000.00
Bem.State UniversityFund 14 Internships 3* $ 37,500.00
Bem.Synphomy Orch.Fund 2 Concerts $ 20,000.00
Bem.Youth Leag.BsballIrrigation System $ 60,000.00
BGC-Bemidji AreaProg 2021-2022 $ 40,000.00
BGC-Bemidji AreaProg.2022-2023 4* $ 100,000.00
BGC-Bemidji AreaHVAC Project $ 75,000.00
BMS Robotics B.ClubWorld competition $ 5,000.00
Concordia Lng VillagesKorean Villager Res. 6* $ 300,000.00
Face-It-TogetherInterim Funding $ 10,000.00
First National Bank Fdn2 years donation $ 7,000.00
Greater BemidjiWellness Project 7* $ –
Greater BemidjiRelocation Mktg Pr. 5* $ 40,000.00
Greenwood CemeteryRepair/Equip/Maint $ 72,658.00
Headwaters SS Fdn5 Part Project $ 78,000.00
Lakes Area Dive TeamRemote Oper.Veh. $ 40,000.00
Let’s Go Fishing-Bem.New Pontoon $ 46,000.00
LSS Meals-BemidjiComm. Freezer $ 5,522.00
Miss.Hdwtrs Aud.Soc.Pollinator Garden $ 5,000.00
Northwest Tech CollegeScholarships $ 20,000.00
Northwoods B.W.Shel.New Building 9* $ –
Sanford Heart CenterProj.Cancelled 2* $ –
1* Grant of $30,000 per year for five years to the BSU Fdn to fund 30 $1,000 scholarships each year through 2022.
2* Grant of $1 Million to Sanford Heart Center PROJECT CANCELLED. Note: $250,000 ppd in 2017 will be put towards REMODEL of existing heart & vascular hosp.location.
3* Renewed Internship Grant of $37,500 per year for 5 years (2023 – 2027).
4* Grant of $100,000 to Boys & Girls Club for operations for fiscal yr 2022/2023 -prepaid all in Dec 2022.
5* Grant of $80,000 to Greater Bemidji for a relocation marketing program – will be paid $40,000 in 2021 and $40,000 in 2022.
6* Grant to Concordia Language Villages for their Korean Language Village in a multi-year grant. $100,000 in 2022, add’l $200,000 prepaid in 2022 to pay grant in full.
7* Grant to Greater Bemidji for the Wellness Project in the Rail Corridor. This is $4Million 10 yr multi-year grant starting in 2023 with 5 contingencies.
8*Grant to Beltrami Cty Historical Society to enhance the exec.director salary over three years providing she continues in the job.
9* Grant to Northwoods Battered Women’s Shelter for new building contingent on them breaking ground. Note: Increased grant from $100,000 to $500,000 over 2 years.
10*Grant to Bemidji Curling Club for Ice Plant Replacement and Building Repairs. $175,000 in upfront grant and $75,000 as a matching $1 for $1 grant. Paid in full.