The Foundation office is open from 12:30p.m. – 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday afternoon.
Please mail or drop off applications by the first Wednesday of the month in order to be considered at that months’ meeting.
If our meeting agenda is too full, there is a possibility that an application may be tabled until the next month, but notification of this will be timely, as well as notification of approval or denial.
These are the grant requests that the Board of Trustees welcome for review. In providing these grants to various not-for-profit organizations, the George W. Neilson Foundation stresses the importance of matching funds, “sweat equity”, and funding from other individuals and organization in order to promote ownership of the project and to help insure viability. The Foundation will consider “bricks and mortar” grants along with grants for new programming. The Foundation will require evidence that the requesting organization has sufficient resources available or assured to sustain its program after the start-up period has been completed.