Adult Day Services | Help Purchase Van | $11,336.58 | |
Bemidji Concert Series | Artist Fees/Support | $10,000.00 | |
Bemidji Community Food Shelf | Venison Donation Program | $10,000.00 | |
Bemidji Fire Department | Safety Breathing Apparatus | $20,000.00 | |
Bemidji Senior Nutrition Program | Equipment | $1,300.00 | |
Beltrami County 4H Youth Prog. | Trapshooting Equipment | $6,500.00 | |
Beltrami County Humane Soc. | Heating/AC/Misc.Equip | $40,124.00 | |
Beltrami County Sheriffs Dept | Canine Unit Support | $15,000.00 | |
Boys & Girls Club-Bemidji | Building Pledge | $235,000.00 | Grant of $1,050,000 to Boys & Girls Club of Bemidji to be paid in five installments, 2003-2007. $100,000 pd in 2003, $265,000 pd in 2004, $100,000 in 2005($65,000 if this was prepaid for 2006), $315,000 in 2006($80,000 was pre-paid for 2007), & $270,000 in 2007. |
Boys & Girls Club-Bemidji | Pre-Pay 2007 Bldg Pledge | $80,000.00 | |
Boys & Girls Club-Bemidji | Res.Dev.&Teen Programs Coord | $50,000.00 | Grant of $150,000 to the BG Club of the Bemidji Area to be paid over three years for new program staffing. |
Cass Lake Comm.Family Ctr | Storage Facility Material+20% | $8,960.00 | |
Central School PTO | Playground Improvements | $7,500.00 | |
Concordia Language Villages | Russian Language Camp | $50,000.00 | Grant of $250,000 to Concordia Language Village for the Russian Language Camp was paid $50,000 in 2005, $50,000 in 2006, & $150,000 in 2007. |
Headwaters Science Ctr | FA for Raptor Programming | $7,500.00 | |
ISD#31 | Academic & Senior Awards | $1,000.00 | |
ISD#31-Gamma Pod | Courage Retreat | $2,300.00 | |
Lets Go Fishing MN-Bemidji Chp. | Pontoon Boat & Trailer | $20,000.00 | |
Miss.Hdwtrs Area Dental Ctr | Start-up Costs | $25,000.00 | |
Neilson Spearhead Center | Legal Expense | $2,280.25 | |
Neilson Spearhead Center | Master-Plan Expense | $10,000.00 | |
North Country Health Services | KNC Skilled Nursing Facility | $400,000.00 | Grant of $2 Million to NCHS for the Katharine Neilson Cram Skilled Care Facility is to be paid in 5 equal installments of $400,00 per yr through 2006. $2,000,000 has been paid through YE2006. Add’l $209,000 was pledged for 2007. |
Northern MN Reg.Science Fair | Science Fair | $3,000.00 | |
Northwest Indian OIC | Out of School Youth Project | $40,000.00 | |
NTC-Bemidji Foundation | Start-up Costs-NTC Foundation | $54,000.00 | |
PATH Minnesota-Bemidji Office | Computer/Software | $10,000.00 | |
Paul Bunyan Amateur Radio | Replace & reinstall antennas | $5,000.00 | |
Paul Bunyan Barbershoppers | Partial refund of 2003 Grant | ($5,396.84) | |
Region 2 Arts Council | Computer/Office Equipment | $11,675.00 | |
Upper Miss.Mental Health Ctr | Communications Equipment | $4,000.00 | |
Wells Academy | Start-up Costs-RL Tech.Educ. | $30,000.00 | |
| | | |
| | Total: $ 1,166,078.99 | |